Childhood Arthritis and How Physical Therapy Can Help

Getting a Jump on JA

Early Diagnosis of Juvenile Arthritis | JA

Early diagnosis is critical to help children with juvenile arthritis. JA affects more than just joints and can actually represent a hazard to growing bones. Youngsters with JA are at risk of bone loss and weakened bones due to inflammation that make them more susceptible to fractures, including those of the spine. Physical therapists can help with:

  • Strengthening bones and muscles
  • Relieving pain
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Maintaining range of motion
  • Nutritional advice
  • Monitoring bone density
  • Alleviating sleep disturbances

Childhood Arthritis | How Physical Therapy Can Help

Eating a healthy diet is essential for children with JA, but parents and caregivers need to be aware that some foods can cause inflammation and flare-ups that can result in loss of appetite. Some medications can cause dietary disruptions and problems ranging from dry mouth to excessive thirst. Other youngsters may experience high-appetite episodes and medications for JA can disturb appetite and eating habits.

Childhood Arthritis and How Physical Therapy Can Help

Juvenile arthritis (JA) isn't a specific disease, but an inflammatory and autoimmune condition in youngsters under age 16. JA affects approximately 300,000 children just in the U.S. and it's classified within seven different types, depending upon a range of symptoms and co-conditions.

All forms of JA have pain, swelling and inflammation in common and include:

  • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), which is the most common
  • Juvenile dermatomyositis results in muscle weakness and a rash on the knuckles and eyelids
  • Juvenile lupus is an autoimmune disease affecting the joints, blood, kidneys and skin
  • Juvenile scleroderma causes tightening and hardening of the skin
  • Kawasaki disease is marked by inflammation of blood vessels
  • Mixed connective tissue disease combines symptoms of other types
  • Fibromyalgia is more common in girls and causes pain, stiffness, fatigue and sleep disruptions

There's no cure for JA, no way to test for it, and a single cause hasn't been determined but it may have a genetic component. With early detection and the help of a physical therapist, symptoms can be managed and lessened, and flare-ups reduced. The goal of physical therapy is to relieve pain, maintain mobility, and improve quality of life.

Managing JA with PT

Managing Juvenile Arthritis | JA

Your physical therapist will provide therapies designed to relieve pain, enhance bone strength, maintain mobility and range of motion, and build endurance. A customized program of specialized exercises will be developed that will factor in the many facets of your child's condition.

Multiple exercises are available that children can perform independently and manual manipulation is available if your child has difficulty moving on their own. Hydrotherapy is an excellent exercise therapy that alleviates the effects of gravity and weight on your youngster's body, making movement easier and less painful.

Therapeutic massage helps relieve pain, inflammation and improves circulation. It's also beneficial for relieving tension and stress that can cause a flare-up of symptoms. Massage therapy has a strong psychological component that helps ease your youngster's anxiety, fear and frustration of coping with the condition and it promotes restful sleep.

Your child's physical therapist may employ heat and cryotherapies for relief from pain and inflammation, along with dry needling, acupuncture, or electro-stimulation for older youngsters. Assistance is also available with crutches, canes, walkers and wheelchairs when applicable to help reduce the risk of falls and injuries and improve mobility.

Nutritional counseling and supplement recommendations from your physical therapist ensure your child has the necessary resources for health. Specialized accommodations, ergonomic solutions and adaptive techniques help your child perform tasks easier, more comfortably, with less pain, and with less chance of injury. Being as self-sufficient as possible improves confidence and your child's self-image.

Children with juvenile arthritis face multiple challenges and your physical therapist can help manage every stage of the condition. The techniques and therapies will help your youngster stay active, manage pain and flare-ups, and improve quality of life.


A healthy way to switch up your everyday diet

The American diet has long been focused on centering meals around meat and dairy products. While this choice isn’t exactly a poor one, there are healthier alternatives out there that contain the same nutritional benefits without the negative side effects often associated with meat and dairy products, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other cardiovascular diseases. Plant-based diets have rapidly gained popularity among many, and for good reason! Studies have shown time and again that diets heavy on the plant and light on the animal are helpful in reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and all of the co-morbidities associated with these chronic diseases. Here are some facts as well as common misconceptions about the plant-based diet craze.


Plant-based diets are an excellent source of protein!

It is a common misconception that meat, dairy, and poultry products are the only sources of dietary protein available. In fact, plant-based diets can contain vast amounts of protein, you just have to know what you’re looking for. If you are trying to replace your meat-based protein with a plant-based alternative, look no further than soy! Soy products, such as tofu, taste very similar to their meaty counterparts but are often healthier. If tofu isn’t exactly your thing, not a problem! Black and kidney beans, hummus (made from chick peas), quinoa, and other whole grains are all excellent sources of protein as well. There is also a plant-based protein powder for those who enjoy a scoop of protein powder mixed in with their yogurts, smoothies, and other post-workout drinks. These protein supplements are often made from brown rice and quinoa and have been shown to be just as effective as whey (dairy) protein in helping with muscle recovery after exercise without all of the added sweeteners.

You can obtain essential vitamins and minerals through a plant-based diet!

Another common misconception is that it is extremely difficult to obtain essential vitamins and minerals through a plant-based diet. Iron is often thought of as being found in red meats, and this is true. However, there are many other sources of iron available to someone on a plant based diet! Popeye never ate a slab of meat before he saved the day; he ate a can of spinach! Spinach, kidney beans, cashews, soybeans, raisins, and cabbage all contain ample amounts of iron to help keep you feeling strong all day long!

When you think of calcium, you usually think of the old “Got Milk” commercials. While drinking milk is an excellent source of calcium, dairy products often can cause an upset stomach and digestive issues. If you don’t like the way a tall glass of milk makes your tummy feel, try plantbased alternatives! Kale is a great source of calcium, as are tofu (soy) and cabbage! Adding kale to a smoothie or salad is a simple, refreshing way to get your daily dose of calcium without upsetting your gut.

“Diets focused more on plants (fruits, vegetables, and grains) help to significantly reduce the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and diabetes.”


There’s no need to cut out meat and diary entirely! Just shift the main focus of your meals to plants!

Just because it’s a plant-based diet doesn’t mean that you can’t eat meat and dairy! Just try to focus a little less on the animals and a little more on the plants! The Dietary Guidelines Committee of the Department of Health and Human Services has reported studies that have shown time and again that diets focused more on plants (fruits, vegetables, and grains) help to significantly reduce the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and diabetes. By taking the small steps to add more plants to your daily diet, you will be able to do all of the things you love while feeling happy and healthy! Be sure to talk to your Physical Therapist about the benefits of adding more plants to your diet as they are knowledgeable and able to provide you further insight into this healthy trend.


  1. Joy, Jordan M.; et al. The effects of 8 weeks of whey or rice protein supplementation on body composition and exercise performance, 2013. Nutrition Journal. DOI:10.1186/1475-2891-12-86
  2. Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the dietary guidelines for Americans, 2010: to the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Washington, DC: Agriculture Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, US Department of Health and Human Services; 2010. May

Taking Care of Tennis Elbow

Care of the arm until an appointment with a physical therapist can be made is simple. Don't try to power through a task or continue to play if the symptoms of tennis elbow are present. It can exacerbate the condition and result in more damage.

The affected arm should be rested and ice treatments applied every 10-20 minutes. It's also helpful to support the injured arm and elbow by wrapping it with an elastic bandage to relieve pressure on the muscles and tendons.

Physical therapy for tennis elbow is beneficial for:

  • Relieving pain
  • Reducing inflammation and swelling
  • Strengthening muscles and tendons
  • Reducing the risk of re-injury
  • Rehabilitation if surgery is required

Tendons heal slowly and left untreated, the condition can take weeks or even months to heal and if the injury is severe enough, recovery can take up to a year. The condition can become chronic, with periodic flare-ups upon usage, accompanied by inflammation and swelling.

It's important that individuals use equipment that's appropriate to their size, strength and fitness level when participating in sports. People begin to lose strength in their forearms as they age that increases the potential for injury, while others over-estimate their fitness level.

People who have weak forearm muscles are at increased risk of tennis elbow, along with those who are performing unfamiliar tasks, doing something they seldom do such as hammering, or learning a new skill like knitting.

Back In The Swing: Physical Therapy and Tennis Elbow

Back in the Swing: Physical Therapy and Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is one of the most common injuries that people sustain, but it doesn't just happen to tennis players. Less than 5 percent of all tennis elbow injuries occur in people who don't play tennis at all.

The term tennis elbow is often used to describe any injury that occurs as a result of someone using their elbow, wrist or hand in repetitive motions as part of their job, hobby or sports activities. Since the muscles and tendons in the hand, wrist, arm and forearm are interconnected with the elbow, a case of tennis elbow doesn't even have to be the result of flexing the elbow.

From office workers and mechanics to musicians, anyone who performs the same type of motions over and over can experience the intense pain of tennis elbow. Men are more likely to develop the condition than women and it typically flares up in their 30s to 50s. Even children can develop tennis elbow.

The condition can be the result of actions over time or it can happen suddenly when an individual performs a forceful action that includes a pulling, swinging, lifting or twisting motion. Someone who has developed tennis elbow will have pain that can be more intense in the elbow or wrist and have difficulty grasping and holding objects.

Even holding a cup of coffee, gripping a fork to eat, or opening a door can result in intense pain. There will also be a lack of strength in the hand, wrist or forearm. It's essential to have tennis elbow properly diagnosed to determine the extent of the damage.

PT for Tennis Elbow

<Back in the Swing: Physical Therapy and Tennis Elbow

Resting the arm is essential until your physical therapist says it's time to begin therapy. He/she will develop a plan of specialized exercises that help you maintain flexibility, range of motion, and strengthen tendons and muscles. Splints and counterforce braces may be used for stabilization and to distribute pressure throughout the area instead of just on the tendons.

During the healing process, your physical therapist may incorporate a variety of treatments depending upon the extent and severity of the injury. Dry needling, acupuncture and therapeutic massage may all be utilized to ease pain. The therapies are also beneficial for stimulating your immune system and improving circulation to the affected area that can help speed healing.

Ultrasound therapy and electrical nerve stimulation known as TENS therapy are other options that may be employed for your healing and pain relief. Dietary supplements may be recommended to ensure your body has the proper nutrients for the quickest healing.

Your physical therapist will teach you how to stretch your arm and warm up properly before engaging in activities. Ergonomic assessments and recommendations are available for ways to perform work and home tasks easier and more efficiently while you heal and to prevent re-injury.

In the most severe cases, surgery may be needed to mend a tear in the muscles or tendons. The same techniques for treating a milder case of tennis elbow are equally effective for rehabilitation following a surgical repair.

Tennis elbow is a painful condition and your physical therapist has a variety of therapies that will help you heal, improve conditioning, and aid in reducing the risk of re-injuring the arm in the future. With the care of your physical therapist, you'll heal quickly and prevent the injury from becoming a chronic condition.

Chia Seeds – What’s the Big Deal?

Chia seeds are being called a super food. They contain a variety of valuable nutrients including protein, calcium and omega fatty acids. They also have essential magnesium and phosphorus.

Humans need anywhere from 25-100 gr of protein per day depending on their size and activity level. They contain amino acids which help break down protein into energy for the body instead of being stored. Chia seeds are the choice of many pro athletes because of the excellent protein content.

Chia seeds have more calcium than dairy products and without the fat of dairy. Calcium is important for strengthening bones. Bone health is essential for healthy aging and injury prevention.

Chia seeds also contain omega fatty acids which are important for brain health. Omega-3 acids help the body use proteins and minerals in the seeds as well as give the brain healthy fat for energy. OFA have also been shown to decrease ADD and ADHD.

Vegetarians and Vegans looking for an alternative to fish oil can obtain similar benefits with chia seeds. Non-meat eaters incorporate chia seeds into smoothies, sprinkle them on salads and chopped up fruit and make into cereals with granola and yogurt.

Meals and snacks with chia seeds are easy to prepare. They become gelatinous like tapioca pudding after adding any liquid and stirring.

Chia seeds are very energizing. Poor food choices such as complex carbohydrates, hydrogenated oils, Trans fats and refined sugar lead to a crash in energy level and increased weight. Chia seeds boost energy levels without any harmful effects on the body. They leave you feeling great and help to enable weight loss.

Chia seeds are completely raw and unprocessed without the toxic chemicals and preservatives that are found in most snacks today. If you would like to learn more about chia seeds please feel free to check out this wonderful site: 11 Proven Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Forever Young – How Physical Therapy Can Keep You Youthful

Stress - The Bane of Youthfulness

Stress is one of the biggest factors that cause the cosmetic and physical effects of aging. When people are stressed, the body releases the hormones adrenaline and cortisol to prepare the body for a fight or flight response. The hormones take a toll on the appearance, but also cause the heart to beat faster and blood pressure to rise. The hormones can interfere with sleep that's essential for the body to repair itself.

A physical therapist can help with treatments that:

  • Reduce stress
  • Helps with flexible and range of motion
  • Relieve pain
  • Helps with mobility
  • Reduces the potential for Alzheimer's
  • Aids with nutritional deficiencies
  • Promotes better sleep

Many individuals who may be overweight or have chronic diseases avoid gyms and fitness centers out of embarrassment or self-consciousness, resulting in a cycle in which weight increases and physical fitness declines. That's not a problem at a physical therapy office. Individuals have access to safe and comfortable therapeutic exercises under the supervision of a physical therapy expert.

Forever Young - How Physical Therapy Can Keep You Youthful

How Physical Therapy Can Keep You Youthful

Most people immediately think of cosmetic surgery for remaining youthful, but a younger looking visage won't help people stay mobile and active. No one wants to face the effects of aging and physical therapy has treatments and therapies to help you stay physically fit.

People with jobs that require repetitive motion, standing or sitting for long periods at a time, and employment that places unusual stress and strain on joints will eventually take a toll on the body and increase the risk of arthritis. Construction workers, musicians and dancers, along with mechanics, teachers and office workers are among the individuals that often find their bodies are demonstrating the signs of aging long before they're anticipated.

Physical Therapy for a Youthful Body

How Physical Therapy for a Youthful Body

Exercise is a major component of maintaining a youthful body that allows you to engage in your favorite activities. Personal trainers at the local gym don't have the extensive knowledge and training necessary to address the vast number of variables involved in your individual situation.

Clinical Pilates, yoga and other types of specialized exercise can be prescribed to improve flexibility, range of motion, better posture and relieve joint or muscle pain. Exercise aids in digestion, stimulates the immune system, helps maintain lean muscle, and helps increase bone density.

Your medical conditions, level of fitness, any limitations, and overall health will be factored into any exercise program. Hydrotherapy, manual manipulation, and electrical stimulation are all techniques that improve the body's alignment and functionality. Cold laser therapy is an effective means of addressing pain and swelling.

To combat stress, your physical therapist may incorporate therapeutic massage. It improves circulation, stimulates the immune system, and promotes restorative slumber. It's also beneficial for detoxifying the body and enhancing lymphatic drainage.

Your physical therapist can also show you ways of moving that lessens the stress on the body and provide orthotic devices that alleviates pain and aligns the spine for easier movement. Ergonomic and lifestyle recommendations can be provided that lessens the risk of falls and injuries. Your physical therapist can provide nutritional recommendations and dietary supplements to address any deficiencies and promotes development of healthy bones and muscles.

Aging gracefully encompasses more than a youthful looking appearance. If you're not able to move freely and enjoy your life, you're losing out on some of the most important years of your life. Conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis can severely curtail your quality of life and prevent you from doing what's important to you.

Physical therapy is an investment in your health. It provides a variety of treatments to keep your body in good health and working correctly, allowing you to enjoy every stage of your life with a more youthful and functioning body.

What is Dry Needling?

Here at Purcellville Orthopedic PT, dry needling is used as an excellent way to treat neuromuscular dysfunction from myofascial trigger points

Dry Needling is a general term for a therapeutic treatment procedure that involves multiple advances of a filament needle into the muscle in the area of the body which there is pain and typically contains a ‘Trigger Point’. There is no injectable solution and typically the needle which is used is very thin.

What can dry needling treat?

Dry needling is an effective treatment for acute and chronic pain, rehabilitation from injury, and even pain and injury prevention, with very few side effects. This technique is unequaled in finding and eliminating neuromuscular dysfunction that leads to pain and functional deficits. It is a very quick and effective treatment that tends to result in shorter rehabilitation times as it can restore normal myofascial mobility quite quickly. It can help with deactivating the trigger point, thereby reducing pain and restoring normal length and function of the involved muscle.

What does dry needling feel like?

Most patients will not even feel the needle penetrate the skin, but once it has and is advanced into the muscle, the feeling of discomfort can vary from patient to patient. Usually a healthy muscle feels very little discomfort with insertion of the needle; however, if the muscle is sensitive and shortened or has active trigger points within it, the subject may feel a sensation much like a muscle cramp — which is often referred to as a ‘twitch response’. The twitch response also has a biochemical characteristic to it which likely affects the reaction of the muscle, symptoms, and response of the tissue.

How long does it take for results?

Typically positive results are apparent within 2-4 treatment sessions but can vary depending on the cause and duration of the symptoms, overall health of the patient, and experience level of the practitioner.

Come visit us to see if you could benefit from Dry needling!

Purcellville Orthopedic Physical Therapy

850-C East Main St, Purcellville, VA, 20132

Call us at: (540) 751-1970 or visit for more details

How Alzheimer’s Patients Benefit from Physical Therapy

Maintaining Physical Health

There’s currently no way to prevent or reverse Alzheimer’s, but there are ways to slow the worsening of symptoms and remain physically healthy and physical therapy can play a major role. Microscopic changes take place in the brain long before Alzheimer’s is diagnosed. Plaques and tangles form in the brain, damaging cells and the nerves that transmit impulses and directions to the rest of the body. Physical therapy can help by:

  • Maintaining mobility
  • Keeping bones and muscles healthy
  • Mitigating the risk of heart disease and associated conditions
  • Maintaining proper nutrition
  • Building core strength, balance and coordination
  • Reducing the risk of falls and injuries

Complications of Alzheimer’s disease include heart attack, strokes, infections and kidney disease. Those who die from Alzheimer’s typically have multiple organ failure. Individuals with the disease misplace things and repeat questions/statements over and over since they don’t remember they’ve already asked the same question. Patients have difficulty finding the correct words to express thoughts or identify objects.

Individuals eventually become a danger to themselves and others. They can’t effectively respond to emergencies and deal with everyday problems. Judgement and the decision making process becomes severely impaired. Delusional behavior, wandering, depression and apathy, and social withdrawal are all common. Skills learned early in life are the last to be lost.

Women are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s and it’s believed to be the result of factors that include genetics, lifestyle choices and environmental components. Smoking, poor diet, diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, obesity and sedentary lifestyles may increase the risk.

How Alzheimer’s Patients Benefit from Physical Therapy

A crying elderly woman covering her face

Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating condition that robs people of their ability to think, remember and function without assistance. It’s equally devastating to the patient’s family who mourn the loss of their once vivacious and active loved one.

The disease is the most common form of cognitive disabilities that come under the category of dementia and is responsible for 60-80 percent of all dementia cases. Symptoms appear slowly and worsen over time, but typically begin years before a diagnosis is made, leading many to mistakenly believe it’s an “old people’s” disease.

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s are often ignored as part of getting older. Individuals begin to forget, have difficulty remembering, and may occasionally become confused. They experience changes in the way their mind works, but it isn’t obvious to them. They’re afraid and reluctant to even broach the subject for fear of discovering they might actually have the disease.

Alzheimer’s affects the part of the brain that’s responsible for learning and remembering new information. As the disease progresses, individuals have increasingly severe symptoms. They may become suspicious of family, friends and caregivers. Symptoms include mood and behavioral changes, along with difficulty speaking, walking and even swallowing.

Quality Of Life With Alzheimer’s

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Your physical therapist will be focused on improving quality of life for you or a loved one and maintaining functionality as long as possible. He/she can develop a specialized exercise program to reduce the risk of falls, improve balance and enhance coordination. Exercise is beneficial for strengthening bones to mitigate the risk of fractures, reducing cholesterol, and lowering blood pressure.

If you aren’t able to fully participate in an exercise plan, hands-one mobilization can provide the movement needed to maintain flexibility and mobility. Exercises ranging from clinical Pilates and yoga to stationary bikes may be employed, along with electro-stimulation and hydrotherapy depending upon your ability. Adaptive and ergonomic recommendations are available to help you get the rest you need, perform everyday tasks, and establish routines that aid in the ability to retain information.

Nutrition is a prime consideration for Alzheimer’s patients, who often forget to eat or stay hydrated, lose interest in cooking, or may not make an effort to eat a balanced diet. Your physical therapist can provide recommendations for specific foods and dietary and nutritional supplements that offer convenience and the essential nutrients needed.

Alzheimer’s patients may not be able to communicate effectively, but they often enjoy looking at old photos, listening to music and being read to. Your physical therapist can provide suggestions for connecting with a loved one that’s been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

There’s no cure or preventative for Alzheimer’s disease, but your physical therapist can improve the ability to function, remain physically healthy and stay mobile. Your physical therapist will help you or your loved one maintain quality of life at every stage of the disease.

Happy National Nutrition Month

Happy National Nutrition Month! This is a nice continuation from last month’s theme of Heart Health Month. Nutrition plays a pivotal role in disease prevention and vibrant health. Over the next few weeks, we are focusing on the importance of making smart food choices, mindful eating, increasing physical activity and promoting Habits of Health (HOH).

This really hits home for me. I’ve been practicing PT since the 80’s and love the profession. We are the health care providers who can virtually change people’s lives, enabling them to return to their previous level of function. Working part time and raising a family of three boys, I had put on a substantial amount of weight over the years. My energy levels decreased, I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, high BP, high cholesterol, have musculoskeletal joint pain, and toe arthritis.

Last year my husband and I started working out at the Green Valley YMCA and I looked forward in participating in the fitness classes each week. Although I was inevitably feeling stronger, I still was unable to dump the weight. At that point in time, I met Megan Reilly at the YMCA. She is a ‘Take Shape for Life/Optavia Health Coach’. She had asked me pointed questions that involved a considerable amount of thought and soul searching. Yes, many of us want to lose weight but the big question is ‘why’? My answer was lifelong optimal health and personal wellbeing. That will require making numerous choices on a daily basis. What are my life long goals and how do I get there? For example, will eating that cookie bring me closer to my goals? Will taking the elevator or taking stairs help become closer to my goals? What do I need to do to avoid certain situations and how can I be better prepared for them next time?

I wanted to feel energetic, get off my medications, and truly reduce the risk factors of inflammatory diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, high BP, high cholesterol, diabetes, and muscular skeletal issues.

Why do I want to minimize the risk factors? Maintaining optimum health will enable me to enjoy my family, friends and hopefully grandchildren someday! I would like to do a lot of traveling and be able to continue to treat my patients.

TSFL was co-founded by Dr. Wayne Anderson, a critical care specialist. I have been on the TSFL/Opaivia program since this past October. So far, I have gotten rid of 34 pounds!

How about you? Physical Therapy can help you improve your health. After performing a detailed evaluation, we can customize specific exercises tailored just for you, while taking into account your medical history and mobility level. The key in helping prevent disease/disability and getting you to feel healthier!

You might be surprised to learn that you don’t have to run or do vigorous exercise in order to reduce risk factors. According to a recent study in the Journal of Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology by Paul Williams and Dr. Paul Thompson, walking briskly at least 5x/week for 30 minutes a day or 150 min/week at 3-4mph, is as beneficial as running or doing high intensity exercise 3x/week for 25 minutes. Both running and walking led to similar reductions in risk of HBP, high cholesterol, diabetes and CAD. Their findings suggested that there are similar benefits with exercise, whether it is vigorous or moderate intensity. However, those capable of performing more vigorous exercise may be more time efficient, as they can go through the same distance in shorter period of time.

Another study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests some movement is better than no movement. For example, if you sit more than 1 hour, you take 22 minutes off your life. Six hours of television or videos a day reduces life expectancy by five years. The research claims that, a sedentary lifestyle is as bad for your health as smoking and obesity.

The longer you sit, the more your blood circulation slows and blood begins to pool, causing an increasing risk of blood clots.

Decreasing obesity by just 10% of your weight could significantly decreases your risk to certain types of cancer.

A few tips about healthy nutrition:

  • Drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day or half your body weight in ounces of water a day.
  • Eating 5-6 small meals or “fueling” per day is more advantageous then 3 large meals per day.
  • Complete moderate exercise 5 days/week. A diet of low carbs, low sugar and high protein will send your body into fat burn.
  • If you are sitting quite a bit on your computer whether at home or at work, a great tool to purchase is a Versa Desk, which is a variable height desk that will allow people to move and stand up for spinal/nerve health and cardio-vascular health.

By Janet Keller, PT


  1. Health Day: News for Living – “Brisk Walking Equals Running for Heart Health, by Steven Reinberg
  2. Dr. A’s Habits of Health: the Path to Permanent Weight Control and Optimal Health, by Dr. Wayne Scott Anderson

Exercise for Heart Health 

The heart is a muscle, which can get stronger with an active lifestyle.  It is never too late to initiate these changes.  Even small changes can make a big difference, such as lowering your risk for heart disease.

Where to Begin?

Once you are cleared for exercise by your doctor, find an activity that interests you.  Something such as brisk walking can be an economical choice, in that it primarily requires a good pair of shoes and space to walk.  If you are more motivated in a group setting, a gym could be an option or joining a group.  In many regions, there are groups, such as a Moms Run This Town, which is a group of running moms supporting other moms in all stages of the running process.

Cardiovascular exercise is very important, but there are other areas of exercise that will also benefit your overall health. 
Stretching is beneficial in reducing your risk for injury and allows you to become more flexible.  Perform stretching after a light warm-up or following exercise.  Stretching should feel good, but should not hurt when performed properly.

Strength training uses resistance to produce a muscular contraction to build strength, endurance, and muscle size.  Strength training does not necessarily mean getting “bulky.”  Strength training can help you to build strong bones, manage your weight, and improve energy levels.

Strength Training

Strengthening can also help to manage symptoms of chronic conditions, such as arthritis.  When individuals develop arthritis pain, this can lead to a decline in activity, which can result in additional problems. Although exercise can be painful initially, this activity helps to bring additional blood flow to the cartilage in that joint.  Also, exercises helps to make the muscles surrounding the joints stronger.  The stronger the muscles are, the more weight they can handle, which reduces the stress on the joint.  This can eventually lead to reduced pain.

You can use free weights, resistance bands/ tubing, or your own body weight for strength training.  These exercises can include lunges, push-ups, or squats, none of which require any special equipment to perform.  Choose a weight where your muscles begin to fatigue after ~15 repetitions.  If you are able to perform 30 repetitions easily, it is time to increase the amount of resistance used.  Allow at least one day in between strengthening routines. 

How Much Exercise?

The American Heart Association recommends “at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least 5 days per week” and “moderate- to high-intensity muscle-strengthening activity at least 2 days per week” for overall cardiovascular health.  Start where you are able and work up to this guideline.

How Breast Cancer Patients Benefit from Physical Therapy

8 Benefits of Physical Therapy
Cancer treatments vary widely, depending upon the stage of cancer that has developed. Cancer is a debilitating disease that affects the body and an individual's self-image. Individuals may experience weakness, nausea and vomiting, along with hair loss or thinning and mouth sores.

Physical therapy can help people feel better by:
  • Easing pain
  • Reducing fatigue
  • Promoting bone density
  • Stimulating the immune system
  • Reducing stress and depression
  • Ridding the body of toxins
  • Decreasing swelling and inflammation
  • Treating lymphedema

People with breast cancer often lose their appetite which can lead to serious nutritional deficits and increases the risk of infections. Bleeding, diarrhea, anemia, and early menopause or infertility may also occur. Many individuals lose weight during breast cancer treatments, while others gain weight due to reduced activity levels.

Breast cancer has a strong emotional and psychological component that can be alleviated through physical therapy. Fear, poor sleep, worry and depression are common, along with loss of sexual function that further adds to an already stressful situation.

How Breast Cancer Patients Benefit from Physical Therapy
One in every eight women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer during their lifetime Another 61,000 women will be diagnosed with non-invasive breast cancer, along with 2,600 men. Physical therapy can help, ease the symptoms of treatment and aid in rehabilitation following reconstructive surgery.

The chance of developing breast cancer has a genetic component and those with a mother, daughter or sister who was diagnosed are at greater risk. Cancer doesn't just affect breast tissue. Patients may experience lung and breathing problems, bone loss and even cognitive impairment.

Painful joints and muscles are common, but even knowing what to expect during treatment can come as a shock when the effects begin to appear on an individual's own body. It's disheartening for breast cancer patients to discover that they can't perform ordinary household tasks due to fatigue or loss of muscle strength.

For advanced breast cancers that have spread into surrounding lymph nodes under the arms, patients may choose a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. The method restores symmetry to the body and will require measures to maintain mobility and flexibility.

Treatment may also be required to address or treat lymphedema, a condition in which fluid doesn't drain correctly and collects in tissues. Well-known celebrity and two-time cancer survivor, Kathy Bates, has spoken publicly about her battles with lymphedema and the benefits of physical therapy for the condition.

A Breast Cancer Patient's Best Friend
Therapies for breast cancer will vary widely depending upon the needs of the individual and your physical therapist is one of the first lines of defense against the many symptoms associated with breast cancer treatment, surgical solutions, and the effects that can linger long after the cancer has been removed.

One of the most beneficial treatments for cancer patients is exercise to prevent bone loss and maintain strength. A customized exercise program will be created that factor in the type of cancer treatments you're receiving, your overall health and physical condition. It's important to remember that exercise doesn't have to be high-impact to be effective and assisted methods are available for those who lack strength or are unable to fully participate in the therapy.

Your physical therapist has multiple methods to help you attain the exercise you need, from yoga and tai-chi to clinical Pilates and hydrotherapy. Your exercise prescription will include movements that help build and maintain core strength, stability and coordination. Electro-stimulation may also be utilized.

If lymphedema is a problem, your physical therapist can help with treatments for drainage and compression sleeves to aid in reducing swelling and fluid retention. Physical therapy can also help you with shortness of breath due to fluid that may collect around the lungs.

Therapeutic massage addresses a multitude of symptoms associated with breast cancer treatment. It relieves pain and inflammation, stimulates your immune system, and relieves stress within the body. Another benefit is that it stimulates your body to release "feel-good" endorphins that relieves anxiety. Massage therapy is advantageous for addressing lymphedema, detoxification, stimulating the nervous system, and scarring that may occur during post-mastectomy and reconstructive services.

Your physical therapist can assist you with nutritional counseling and dietary supplements to ensure you're obtaining the right mix of nutrients. Supplements can be especially helpful if you have little appetite and fatigue prevents you from cooking. Help with assistive aids for sleep and mobility are also available.

Breast cancer strikes fear into the hearts of men and women who have been diagnosed, along with family and loved ones. Your physical therapist has treatments and therapies to help ease the effects of chemotherapy, radiation, mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. Breast cancer and associated treatments can be scary and have far reaching effects. Physical therapy can help you meet those challenges of the body, mind and quality of life.